organized by Johan van Benthem and Jakub Szymanik
Human capacities to act and interact are key themes in the humanities and cognitive science. Agency and communication bring together many disciplines: linguistics, philosophy, logic, and others. Many current developments meet at this interface: the cognitive turn in linguistics, the rise of game theory in semantics and pragmatics, ‘theory of mind’ and strategic interactions, and the methodological tension between symbolic (logical) and probabilistic approaches to modeling cognition. In this mix, old boundaries between the humanities and cognitive science are shifting, and a new generation of researchers is looking at many things afresh. Amsterdam has a rich tradition in the above research areas; many of them represented at the ILLC and other Humanities institutes. The workshop will highlight new interfaces between cognitive disciplines for the international community at the SMART Conference, but it will also explore its integrative potential for the Humanities in the Amsterdam milieu.
The workshop will focus on the dynamic social processes in language use that lead to the convergence of cognitive intentions and the emergence of cognitive skills. Moreover, to serve its integrative function, it also pays attention to the interplay of the two main available paradigms: logical-linguistic-computational and probabilistic.
Location: Doelenzaal, Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam.
9.30-10.00 Welcome and coffee
Session on symbolic and probabilistic explanations of cognition
chair: Jakub Szymanik
10.00-11.00 Keynote lecture: Thomas Icard (Stanford University) What does logic have to do with cognition?
11.00-11.30 Leendert van Maanen (University of Amsterdam) Accumulator models of decision-making
11.30-12.00 Ivan Titov (University of Amsterdam) Inducing Shallow Semantic Representations from Text with Little or No supervision
12.00-14.00 Lunch break
Session on social cognition
chair: Nina Gierasimczuk
14.00-15.00 Keynote lecture: Rineke Verbrugge (University of Groningen) Social cognition: The facts matter
15.00-15.30 Maartje Raijmakers (University of Amsterdam) Self-explanation to stimulate training in logical reasoning
15.30-16.00 Ulle Endriss (University of Amsterdam) Computational Models of Group Decision Making
17.00-20.00 Evening program in Zuiderkerk
Location: Oude Manhuispoort, 1012 CN Amsterdam, room D009.
Session on meaning, communication and cognition
chair: Thomas Icard
9.30-10.30 Keynote lecture: Michael Franke (University of Tuebingen), Reasoning in Reference Games: Individual- vs. Population-Level Data
10.30-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-11.30 Robert van Rooij (University of Amsterdam) Cognitive constraints on pragmatic persuasion
11.30-13.30 Lunch break
Session on argumentation and cognition
chair: Jakub Szymanik
13.30-14.30 Keynote lecture: Bart Verheij (University of Groningen) Arguments, scenarios and probabilities: how to catch a thief with and without numbers
14.30-15.00 Henry Prakken (University of Utrecht) Argumentation, rational acceptance and the lottery paradox
15.00-15.30 Cristian Santibanez. (Diego Portales University) Building Niche through Argumentation
15.30-16.30 Coffee break